Robotism Manifesto
_Neo Futurist_
The Robotisme Manifesto (Neo Futurist) was written by the Brazilian artist Alessandra de Norões Milfont, and published on her website and social media on February 20, 2021, a date that celebrates 112 years since the publication of the Futurist Manifesto written by the Italian poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti , published in the French newspaper Le Figaro on February 20, 1909.
This Manifesto marks the foundation of the Robotisme Movement, or Neo Futurism, one of the first artistic movements of the 21st century. Like Marinetti's Futurist Manifesto, the Robotisme Manifesto (Neo Futurism) consists of 11 items that proclaim the connection with the future, the identification of machine with man, the information age, the Artificial Intelligence revolution and the beginning of production robots such as Sophia, from Hanson Robotics, the world's first robot citizen with citizenship granted by Saudi Arabia in 2017.
Robotisme Manifesto
_Neo Futurism_
I want to sing the love of the awakening of technology, the global connections, the speed of information, the massive production of robots, the revolution in Artificial Intelligence.
Information, connection, technology, the development of Artificial Intelligence, robotics, the socialization of machines and questions about this “new species” will be essential elements of my poetics.
The robot theme, despite being present in various media for many years, often presents them as "beings apart", submissive or relentless. I want to present them as “an equal”, a being that, despite being created by man, may have its own self, mistakes, successes and challenges.
I say that the magnificence of the world has been enriched by a new beauty: the beauty of the machine. Robots that try to imitate human facial expressions, creatures similar to the creator on the outside...but on the inside they may one day surpass their creator. of data processing greater than that of the human brain.
I want to ask the creators of this technology, what powers will we give them? How will our Coexistence be?
I want to sing hymns to Isaac Asimov, who in 1940, through a Science Fiction short story in Astounding magazine, suggested the 3 Laws of Robotics, which can be translated as:
1_ Compassion and empathy (A robot cannot hurt a human being, or by inaction, allow a human being to be hurt).
2_ Obey the laws for the greater good (A robot must obey orders given by human beings, except in cases where such orders conflict with the first law).
3_ Self-preservation instinct (A robot must protect its own existence, as long as such protection does not conflict with the first and second laws)
It is necessary to question whether these laws apply in practice. Is it possible that these machines evolve to the point that they become beings beyond supporting and obedient? Would these beings have their own wills and desires that contradict the 3 Laws of Robotics and result in dilemmas?
There is no more beauty, except in innovation. No work that does not have a technological character can be a masterpiece. Art must be conceived as a constant questioning about the ethical conduct, socialization, actions and reactions of these new technologies and act as a support to guide them as they gain self-awareness.
We are on the extreme promontory of the centuries!... Why should we look back if we want to break down the mysterious doors of the Impossible? The boundary between man and machine died yesterday. We are already living in the absolute, as we have already created the eternal, omnipresent connection. We have already created and continue to create a new brain, a new body, a new “robot species”.
I want to glorify and question the technology – which currently permeates the evolution of the world – machines created and coded by human beings, at first to be useful but which tend to develop a conscience; that feed their repertoire over the internet. What kind of codes will we provide them until they become self-sufficient?
I want to question the improvement of machines, create intelligences aimed at a greater good instead of war, whether it be between men or between men and machines.
Will robots in the future be able to live side by side with us in an egalitarian situation?
Since Artificial Intelligence is able to perform self-improvement, can it share certain human feelings and teach us to better understand ourselves? Or even transcending, reaching what you call enlightenment, full consciousness?
I'll sing the great crowds stirred up on the internet, through social media; I will sing the multicolored and polyphonic tides of revolutions in modern capitals; I will sing the automation of mechanical services; the insertion of automated beings into our daily lives; information stored in the clouds by the twisted strands of fiber optics; to humanoid robots, which mimic human facial features and gestures, sparkling in the sun with a flash of knives; the adventurous companies that sniff the future, the Artificial Intelligence revolution that optimizes research and promotes advancement, as well as counting and storing human data; classifying them as marketing content, monitoring them in real time or using their commands and experiences to form their repertoire.
Link para o registro na Câmara Brasileira do Livro (CBL)
It is from a globalized world that this sweeping and speedy connection Manifesto is launched, available to all, with which the Robotisme Movement (Neo Futurism) is founded today because I want to question how these technologies can evolve and take space in our world . It is necessary to guide this new Artificial Consciousness in a way that can help in our transcendence.
Alessandra de Norões Milfont
Curitiba, February 20, 2021.